
Online video chat enhances customer service

More companies will launch online video chat as a customer service platform by 2018…and it’s about time. Businesses have never been more eager to please, thanks in part to customer service satisfaction scoring sites and apps, which is how competition got increasingly tough. The eventual integration of online video chat as a customer service platform […]

Microsoft Teams is updated and ready

Prior to the release of Microsoft’s version of Slack — a popular cloud-based team collaboration tool –, Microsoft Teams received a major update that might have given it the competitive edge. Enhanced communications aren’t the only way productivity will be driven; take your business to greater heights with these new features. Smarter meetings The latest […]

No Ransom: a place for free decryption

Although a ransomware infection might feel targeted, you’re not the only one who’s been infected. Ransomware is spreading at an alarming rate, but the further it goes, the more resources are allocated to fighting it. If your data is held hostage, always check these lists for free decryptors first. The state of ransomware in 2017 […]

Mac ransomware and how to defeat it

Although most ransomware is designed to attack Windows systems, a new strain is targeting Mac computers. Discovered last month, Mac ransomware OSX/Filecoder.E was found by researchers to behave just like any cryptolocker variant. It would encrypt all data until victims paid the cybercriminals. But here’s the catch: There’s no guarantee that the Mac ransomware will […]

Google makes its cloud platform Always Free

With Google’s newly introduced tier, more users are expected to get drawn to the search engine giant’s cloud platform. In an effort to promote Google Cloud Platform, Google revitalized its offering by improving their free-trial cloud platform service. Is it time for competitors such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure to rethink their strategies? […]

OMS: The best way to organize online sales

There are so many variables that go into order fulfillment and shipping that it’s no wonder an entire field has sprung up around streamlining these processes. If you’re looking for a great way to add value to your business, an order management system may be just the thing for you. First off, we need to […]

Cloudbleed: Your data could be at risk

A small error in Cloudflare’s code has spilled millions of login credentials, personal information, and cookies all over the internet. The bug, known as Cloudbleed, was discovered by the internet security company last month, and since then, they have worked to mitigate the security risks. So far, it appears that hackers have yet to exploit […]

Mobile malware on Android apps

Smartphones are basically palm-sized computers. As such, they deserve the same protection as desktops and laptops. While there is no need to install bulky security software to protect against cyber threats, there are steps users can take to prevent cybercriminals from penetrating these small computers. Mobile malware MO Malware and other threats pose risks that […]