Tips and Tricks – August 2019
Tip #1 – Why do my PDF files open in a Web browser?
In Microsoft Windows 10 the default web browser, Edge, is also the default PDF viewer. While this only has basic functionality, it is free and does not require any extra software installed on your computer. If you want to get a fuller featured PDF viewer that is still free there is Adobe Acrobat DC or Foxit Reader. These will provide more functionality than the default Microsoft Edge web browser. For even more functionality and features you can step up to Nitro Pro which is not free but offers features such as converting Microsoft Office documents to PDF, editing a PDF and PDF password protection. Based on your individual needs you will find a PDF program that is right for you.
Tip #2 - Excel Pro Tip #15
Did you know you can use the formula: =Today() to dynamically populate a cell with today's date?
You can also expand upon this and try =Today()-1 for yesterday's date. Try combining this with some conditional formatting to highlight a field with a past date!