Tips and Tricks – February 2020
Tip #1 – Word Pro Series Tip #2 : Images in text
Sometimes you want to make your document look a little fancier with images. Often this can upset your text by forcing it to below and above the image. But there are a number of options available to you.
Use the "Layout Options" Icon next to your image to change the Text Wrapping. You can quickly and easily set the image within the text to give it a more finished look. Try it and see!
Tip #2 - Choose Where to Save Downloaded Files Every Time and Not a Designated Folder in Firefox
You can set Firefox to ask you each time, this would be on the Preferences page.
In Firefox click on the "3-bar" menu button, also known as the Hamburger or Tools menu, in the upper right hand corner and then click on "Options". Or enter "about:preferences" into the address bar and press Enter/Return to load it. If you scroll down to the "Files and Applications" section under Downloads you'll see a pair of radio buttons, "Save files to" and "Always ask you where to save files". Click on the "Always ask you where to save files" radio button, close the Preferences page and test.
Tip #3 - Word Pro Series Tip #3 : Show Hidden Characters
If you are working on a complex document with different styles, columns, and formats, editing can quickly become a tedious exercise. The best way to see what's going on with your document's formatting is to make all the invisible marks (hard returns, soft returns, tabs, spaces) visible. Press Ctrl-Shift-8 in Windows (or Command-8 on a Mac.)