Tips and Tricks – March 2020
Taking PowerPoint into the next decade with animation
PowerPoint power users have long enjoyed jazzing up presentations using the variety of slide transitions and graphic bullet points that made slide shows a little more interesting. Recently augmented animation effects can help take the visual appeal of your presentation to the next level. To get started, in PowerPoint 2016 or 365:
1. Insert an object such as a picture or shape.
2. Select the Animations menu and choose from a number of options; ‘Spin’ is a good one to start with.
3. Each effect will have its own unique set of options related to its action, for example the ‘Spin’ animation offers the ability to set the direction of the spin, the degree of spin, quantity of spins.
4. The ‘Animation Pane’ offers the ability to test your animation and define options such as the duration of the animation or the delay before it starts.
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