Tips and Tricks – October 2019
Tip #1 – Excel Pro Tip #17 – This tip was suggested by our customer, Melissa D!
If you ever need to copy cells from one sheet to another, but are disheartened to see that when you copy and paste the cells that your formulas haven't copied over too, then don't fret! There is a way to duplicate them; simply right click on the sheet tab at the bottom and select Move or Copy
Adjust the options in the dropdown to move to a new book, or to select a currently open book, and also select where in the book to place it (Before or after a specific sheet)
And your data WITH formulas will be copied!
Tip #2 - How to Boot a Mac into Safe Mode and Verify That it Did
Safe mode (sometimes called safe boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents some software from automatically loading or opening. Starting your Mac in safe mode does the following: Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed.
To load your Mac in Safe Mode, press and hold the Shift key while it boots. You can stop holding the Shift key when you see an Apple logo and progress bar. To leave Safe Mode, just reboot your Mac without holding the Shift key.
To check if you are in Safe Mode follow these steps:
- Click on the Apple logo in the menu (top left).
- Click in About This Mac.
- Click on System Report.
- Click on Software and check what the Boot Mode is listed as - it will say Safe if you are in Safe Mode, otherwise it will say Normal.