Since the release of the Apple Watch last month, there’s been a lot of debate about its potential to revolutionize the way we work. Today, it’s still unclear what Apple’s “most personal device yet” will mean for our personal productivity.
Will it allow us to streamline our workflow and control how we consume information, or will it be a Pandora’s box of digital distraction? What can we get out of the Watch that we can’t already do on our iPhones? Ultimately, will the Watch help us get more of our meaningful work done?
As a company that makes personal productivity software, these questions were top of mind when we sat down to design Todoist for a 38mm screen that would be kept not in pockets, backpacks, and bedside tables, but on our users’ wrists. We wanted to find out all of the unique ways the Watch could possibly help people achieve their most important goals.
Five members of our team took on the challenge to experiment and optimize our wearable experience to help us get things done. We spent the past month finding out what works on the Apple Watch and what definitely does not.
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