Why is your mobile internet slow? 5 common causes and fixes

Have you ever wondered why your mobile internet seems slower than usual? There could be several reasons behind the drop in speed, and understanding these causes can help you take the necessary steps to improve your connection. In this article, we’ll delve into five common reasons your mobile internet might be slow. We’ll also offer […]

7 Must-have Android productivity apps for a successful 2024

Your Android device can be a pocket-sized productivity powerhouse, with the right apps installed. If increasing productivity is one of your goals for 2024, then these Android apps are absolutely essential. 1. Task Management: Todoist Todoist is a versatile task management app that can help you organize your to-do lists and stay on top of […]

Safeguard your business with mobile threat detection (MTD)

Cybercriminals recognize the potential goldmine of sensitive information stored in business mobile devices. This is why they exploit security gaps in such devices to launch attacks, compromising data, finances, and reputation. As a result, businesses must adapt to this evolving threat landscape and implement comprehensive mobile security strategies. Mobile threat detection (MTD) has emerged as […]

New Android malware detected!

If you have an Android device, be careful! An exceptionally dangerous Android malware known as DEFENSOR ID is currently making the rounds in the Google Play Store. The malware exploits the Accessibility Services in an Android device to evade detection by traditional security measures. This threat can put your data and business in jeopardy, so […]

Google puts a premium in mobile searching

When it comes to business-related searches, Google is second to none. But despite being the industry leader in search engines, this powerhouse is never complacent. Recently, it made changes to its search feature and became mobile-first. If you’re wondering what this strategy could mean for you and your business, read on. Google search works by […]

Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Office 365 receives updates so often that they’re hard to track. But the software suite’s basic calendar functions will always be among the most popular. If you’d like to let people outside of your organization see your calendar, all it takes is a few clicks. Share an Office 365 calendar with specific people Click the […]

Details about Microsoft’s lightweight OS

Reports about a new Windows operating system (OS) called “Windows Lite” is currently making the rounds online. According to insiders, this OS is a compact version of Windows that’s built as an alternative to Chrome OS. But what can people expect from this new OS and what does this mean for businesses? What is Windows […]

How MTD improves your mobile security

Protecting your business data goes beyond protecting your office computers and networks. A solution called mobile threat detection (MTD) puts up digital barriers around your company’s mobile devices to block malware and other threats unique to their form factor. Here’s what you need to know about MTD. MTD and machine learning Mobile threat detection is […]